Sustainability Plan Plan Framework

The Sustainability Plan creates a flexible road map for the City's vision to be a "thriving community of safe neighborhoods and beautiful open space that is sustainable and inclusive." The Plan contains goals, measurable targets, strategies, specific actions and metrics to track progress. Topic areas in the Plan include energy, economic resilience, housing and neighborhoods, health and wellness, natural resources and environment, transportation and mobility, and waste and materials. Cross cutting issues that influence all topics include safety, resilience, climate, education and equity.

Executive Summary: 
English or Spanish 

Strategies and Targets:
English or Spanish

Full Document (English) 



Below are important documents that highlight the City's sustainability related metrics and plans for projects and services that benefit the community. 

Sustainability Plan Reports:

State of Sustainability Reports: 

Greenhouse Gas Inventories:

Urban Tree Equity: 

SAGE Sustainable Business Program Reports:


City Projects and Accomplishments:

Below, delineated by year, is a list of sustainability programs and initiatives the City has accomplished and/or is working on 


  • The City's procurement of solar subscriptions from Sunshare, a local community solar garden has resulted in 100% of the electricity sourced for 70% of "occupied" buildings (e.g. office-style buildings).
  • Ran our second solar co-op with Solar United Neighbors (SUN) and Adams County; 20 Westminster residents signed contracts and a total of 39 Adams County residents installed solar. 25-year energy savings of $1,313,893 for the homeowners; homeowners also saw a 15-20% savings from participating in the co-op compared to an average price for solar installation. Read the impact report here!
  • The City permitted ~800 solar installations for all building types in 2022, a City record! 
  • Provided 7 weatherization assistance services to low-income residents through Energy Outreach Colorado
  • Provided free Home Energy Squad visits from Xcel Energy to residents 


  • Received SolSmart Gold Designation 
  • Ran a solar co-op with Solar United Neighbors (results)
  • Created a solar landing page for residents and contractors 
  • Passed a solar-by-right ordinance which secures the installation of solar as a use right throughout the city. 

2020 and before: 

  • Creation of an Energy Action Plan through Xcel's Partners In Energy (PIE) program. Graduated from PIE and now participate in Energy Futures Collaborative (EFC). 
  • Provided ~500 free  Home Energy Squad visits from Xcel Energy to residents 
  • Completed a GHG inventory and analysis


  • The SAGE Sustainable Business Program delivered a cumulative of $175,000 in estimated savings to businesses through the SAGE Sustainable Business Program (since 2021). See SAGE's 2nd year impact report here
  • Assisted over 225 businesses on sustainability related topics, projects, and needs
  • Received $180,000 in grant funds from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 's (EPA) Pollution Prevention--Source Reduction Assistance Program to provide energy efficiency technical and financial assistance to commercial buildings
  • Provided 100+ free products to businesses that cut costs and resource 
  • Provided ~$38,000 in grants, rebates, and financial assistance to businesses for sustainability upgrades  
  • Supported networking and recognition programs for businesses 



  • Installed the City's 1st on-street EV charging station in Downtown Westminster
  • Hosted an EV showcase at the Orchard Town Center Farmer's Market with Drive Clean Colorado.
  • Continuing to transition City fleet to hybrid and electric vehicles.
  • Hosted a Bike To Work Day station on the US-26 bike path 
  • Promoted sustainable commuting options to residents and City employees 


2020 and before:
  • Created a City Electric Vehicle Plan 
  • Developed a City EV policy and ordinance 
  • Installed EV charging stations at City Hall and Downtown Westminster
  • Worked with Chargepoint to find eight EV fast charging stations in the city
  • Hosted EV Ride and Drive events


  • Identifying gaps in Westminster's urban tree canopy and assessing programs and initiatives to provide more equitable coverage. This project is a partnership with the Trust for Public Lands, Natural Climate Solutions, and the CU-Boulder Masters of the Environment program. 
  • Partnering with Forestry and Parks and Recreation to create a strategy to address the Emerald Ash Borer city-wide.


  • ENVISION certification for Big-Dry Creek Biosolids Dewatering Facility.  

2020 and before:

  • Installed water conservation fixtures in City facilities 
  • Received bronze ELP for water quality system infrastructure and systems
  • Started and continued participation in Great Global Clean-up Day


  • Crafting City Sustainable Purchasing Policies 
  • Revamping City website on waste and materials 
  • Hosted Zero-Waste City events 


  • Installed standardized and paired recycling and waste bins at City Park and Recreation facilities.
  • Continued assistance to General Services on the City's Environmental Management System (EMS).
  • City started and continues to run a limb drop/collection program

2020 and before:

  • Compost collection of food waste at City hall kitchens 
  • Promoted the Regional Air Quality's Lawn Mower Replacement Program, "Mow Down Pollution"
  • Participant of the Regional Air Qualities local government work group 
  • Crafting City ozone and pollutant reduction best-practices and guidelines for operations 


Lighting up the Holidays: 100 FREE LED Lighting Kits Provided to the Community!Holiday Lighting 2022_CCE-4638090602931488895

The Sustainability Office spread the gift of energy efficiency at the Holiday Lighting Ceremony on December 3, 2022.The Office handed out 90 complimentary LED lighting kits (over a $100 value per kit) and 100 vouchers for a free Xcel Energy Home Energy Squad visit. Three lucky winners also went home with a package of LED holiday lights!  While many residents were excited to learn about lighting efficiency upgrades, one resident expressed gratitude for the Home Energy Squad visit and shared how the service helped reduce utility bills and made their home more comfortable. The Sustainability Office will continue to offer free Home Energy Squad visits to residents throughout the winter.


What do Electric Vehicles, LED lightbulbs, and dog poopbag dispensers have in common? They were all the rage at the Orchard Town Center Farmers Market this past Sunday. The Sustainability Office, along with Drive Clean Colorado hosted its second consecutive Electric Vehicle (EV) showcase. Around 400 farmers market attendees checked out six different EVs and chatted with City staff about sustainability programs and could sign-up to be a member of the Solar United Neighbors solar co-op. The Sustainability Office gave away ~100 LED lightbulbs kits, reusable tote bags, and dog poopbag dispensers.


The City of Westminster is making our community more solar-friendly and environmentally sustainable by adopting programs and practices that make it faster, easier, and more affordable to go solar. SolSmart-Logo_Gold_color.web.print_cropped637757133375067540

About the designation: Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office, SolSmart recognizes cities and counties for cutting red tape and making solar more affordable and accessible for homes and businesses. We are committed to reducing solar energy costs at the local level and encouraging even more homes and businesses to use this clean, affordable energy source. The SolSmart Gold designation recognizes that we are “open for solar business,” helping to attract solar industry investment that generates economic development and jobs. READ ABOUT THE CITY'S SOLAR EFFORTS

Partners in EnergyWestminster

The City of Westminster is a participant in Xcel Energy's Partners in Energy (PiE) program. PiE provides communities services to develop an energy plan and assistance with implementing that plan. Each community has its own unique energy needs and priorities, and Partners in Energy tailors its services to complement each community’s vision. Learn about Partners in Energy.

Check out the this storymap to interact with information about the work Westminster and other communities are doing to reduce carbon emissions and provide community economic and social benefits.