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Westminster Council Wards Initiative

In support of our residents’ expressed desire for a system of representation by geographic wards or districts, we are beginning a year-long public engagement process to develop a proposal for geographic council wards in Westminster.  

During the 2023 General Election, Westminster residents were asked the following advisory ballot question: 

Shall the Westminster City Council propose by 2026 a system of electing some or all City Council members from geographic wards rather than at-large? 

The voters of the City approved this measure: 15,065 FOR to 13,488 AGAINST.  

City staff secured a highly qualified public administrator with extensive experience in elections policy to help develop a proposal for Council’s consideration. The consultant met with City Council on March 11, 2024, regarding the implementation of geographic wards. Watch a recording of the meeting. 

What’s Happening Now? 

On July 22, 2024, City Council directed staff to move forward with a recommendation from the Wards Advisory Committee to create a system of geographic council wards or districts in Westminster. The committee's recommendation includes:

  • A City Council comprised of a mayor that is elected at-large and six city councillors
  • Three wards with two councillors elected from each ward. Councillors will no longer be elected at-large.

City staff is developing ballot language to make the proposed changes to the city charter for Council's review during the August 5, 2024 meeting. City Council will also discuss a transition plan to phase in wards that is aligned to City Council's terms of service.

Should City Council approve of the proposed changes to the city charter in August, Westminster residents will have the opportunity to vote on the ballot measure during the November 2024 election. Should the ballot item pass, the process for determining boundaries will begin in 2025. Staff does not anticipate implementation of council wards until the 2026 election.


On May 20, 2024, City Council approved Councillor’s Bill 15, establishing a Wards Advisory Committee to advise on:  

  • The number of wards or districts; and
  • The number of Councillors per ward/district and at-large, if any, including a Mayor elected at-large.

Members of the Wards Advisory Committee, who were appointed by City Council, will meet on July 2 and July 9 to consider the two questions above and develop a recommendation for Council’s consideration. These meetings will be open to the public. Space is limited. As part of our commitment to transparency, the meetings will be recorded and posted to this page and the City’s YouTube the following day. 

In a public meeting later this year, City Council will consider the Wards Advisory Committee’s recommendation and may choose to adopt or amend a ward systems ballot question for the 2024 General Election ballot. Should the ballot question receive popular support from the community, City Council and staff will engage the community to develop ward boundaries and other resultant changes ahead of the November 2025 Municipal Election. 

In the event City Council does not move forward with a ballot question, it may instruct City staff to bring forward an alternate ballot proposal for voter consideration or table the question for a later date. 

Who serves on the Wards Advisory Committee, and what do they do? 

The Wards Advisory Committee is comprised of seven City Council-appointed residents: 

  • Bev Bishop 

  • Bill Christopher 

  • Elyce Jarvis 

  • Tom Jurgens 

  • Annie Miller 

  • Anita Seitz 

  • Dino Valente 

The City Clerk and a City Attorney will serve as non-voting members of the committee. 

The committee’s duties include the following: 

  • The committee shall discuss, evaluate, and submit to City Council one or more recommendations for a wards system of representation for City Council’s consideration for referral to the 2024 General Election ballot by no later than July 22, 2024. 

  • The committee’s submittal(s) to City Council shall include only the following:  

  • The number of wards or districts; and  

  • The number of Councillors per ward or district and at-large, if any, including a Mayor elected at-large. 

  • The drawing of ward or district boundaries or maps shall not be part of the committee’s scope of duties at this time. In the event a wards system is approved by Westminster voters, City Council may choose to reconstitute the committee in 2025 to provide input on ward or district boundaries.  

Accordingly, the committee shall focus its limited time and resources solely on the number of wards or districts and the number of Councillors per ward or district and at-large, if any, and shall neither discuss in its meetings nor present in its submittal(s) to the City Council any ward/district boundaries or maps. 

Meeting Agendas and Recordings

July 18, 2024 - Meeting Agenda and Meeting packet. View a recording of the meeting here.

July 9, 2024 - Meeting Materials. View a recording of the meeting here. Please note that due to technical issues, audio is unavailable beginning at 1 hour and 31 minutes into the recording. We apologize for the inconvenience.

July 2, 2024 - Meeting Materials - Due to unforeseen circumstances, the July 2 Wards Advisory Committee Meeting was canceled.