What’s Happening Now?
Based on the criteria outlined in the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) policy DW018, the City is now investigating the second point of verification for the customer side of the service lines installed prior to 1961. The City has hired a certified plumbing contractor, AGL, to complete these second verifications. AGL will be contacting property owners of buildings that were constructed prior to 1961 about voluntary visual inspections of the service line material on the inside of the building. Our goal is to keep residents safe from pipes that may contain lead.
What to Expect
To complete the inventory, the following tasks may be completed:
- Customers will receive a mailer with information on how to schedule your plumbing materials inspection.
- AGL will collect customer information, including photos of where the service line enters the building on the interior (basement or crawl space).
- Our certified plumbing contractor, AGL, will not enter a home or private property unless we receive permission and have coordinated with the homeowner. Westminster staff will attend in addition to AGL staff at the request of the homeowner.