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Preventing Stormwater Pollution

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Water goes down a storm drain.

Stormwater pollution is one of the greatest threats to water quality in the U.S. Stormwater runoff from yards and streets sends pollutants into our stormwater system. Excess nutrients from pet waste, grass clippings, leaves and fertilizer contribute to rapid growth of algae. Chemicals, bacteria, and other pathogens also create health hazards, and trash and debris can harm wildlife.  

How You Can Help Keep Our Waterways Clean

Commercial car washes are water efficient and the used water is routed to a water treatment facility. Washing your car at home uses more water and the automotive fluids, heavy metals, and other pollutants may wash into local waterways.  

  • Ensure downspouts are pointed toward the lawn or plants, not the sidewalk.
  • Sweep up dirt and debris so it doesn’t wash into storm drains.  
  • Compost and amend soil. Healthy soil acts as a water filter.  
  • Compost or bag your leaves and grass clippings. Leaves and clippings left on lawns may blow or wash into storm drains, clogging them and causing flooding in the street.  
  • Use fertilizers and pesticides sparingly.  
    • Using too much fertilizer and pesticide can lead to toxic levels of chemicals or excessive nutrients in our waterways. Make sure to read labels and follow instructions.  
    • Consider compost or natural lawn chemical alternatives.  
    • Be aware of where you fertilize and use caution on slopes and lawn edges, so the fertilizer doesn’t wash into nearby storm drains.  
    • Allow proper drying time for liquid chemicals before heavy rainfall is expected.  
  • Take care with household chemicals. Store hazardous chemicals in the shed, garage, or somewhere out of the rain. Throw away your unwanted cleaning or lawn chemicals at your local Household Hazardous Waste facility or attend one of their drop-off events. If you live in Westminster, you can actually have those chemicals picked up at your door with the City's Household Hazardous Waste Collection Program


As pet waste decomposes, it releases excess nutrients into the environment and spreads bacteria. Please pick up after your pets.


Automotive fluid leaks is a significant contributor to water pollution. One pint of oil can make a slick larger than a football field. Please consider maintaining your automobile. It’s better for the environment and your pocketbook.   


Report any spills or dumping by calling our Stormwater Hotline at 303-706-3367 or by emailing stormwaterhotline@cityofwestminster.us. Please provide the location, responsible party (if identified), and a description of the source and nature of the illicit discharge. 
*Please note that City Hall hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. If your report occurs outside these hours, please leave a voicemail or send an email. Someone with the City will respond within these business hours. If the issue requires an immediate response, please call Westminster police dispatch’s non-emergency number at303-658-4360.    

Related Programs

This program aims to reduce the amount and type of pollution a municipally owned or managed facility produces, such as sediment, hydrocarbons, trash, debris, nutrients, and metals. The City of Westminster hopes to set an example in the community by not only preventing stormwater pollution, but also improving our water quality.   The City is doing many things to make this happen, including follows best practices to ensure our community is clean by ensuring streets are in good condition, and maintaining public spaces and municipal facilities.

Fact Sheet

Illegal dumping is the act of deposing of liquids, trash, and other pollutants into the storm drain.The goal of the Illegal Dumping Detection and Elimination Program is to keep as many pollutants out of the storm sewer system and out of our waterways.

Which businesses are more likely to illegally discharge?

The Construction Sites Compliance Program reduces sediment and other construction-related pollutants from entering the storm sewer system. The City is committed to enhancing and protecting existing development, streams, lakes, wetlands and rivers that may be impacted by sediment-laden runoff. We encourage builders to maintain the natural balance between sediment supply and transport.

Learn more here.

The City's stormwater program reduces the amount of pollutants entering Little Dry Creek and Big Dry Creek while bringing attention to the local water quality issues urban environments can cause.This is, in part, managed by the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) General Stormwater Permit. The purpose of the program is to protect natural resources, ensure public safety, and continue to improve the quality of life of all residents. 


Additional Resources