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Street Improvement Projects

PWU Oak Street Paving_CCE-11637847883764061079


Asphalt Paving

2024 Street Resurfacing Project Roster- Here you'll find the list of anticipated streets to receive asphalt paving. 

Asphalt paving is the largest repair we do to our streets in Westminster. Typically, we will grind down the existing roadway, sometimes just the edges, and other times the whole width of the road. This helps us examine the road base and get a better connection when we lay new asphalt on the ground.

From May through October, we expect to re-pave over 100 lane miles of road in Westminster.

If your street is receiving resurfacing work this summer, you may receive a flyer from your HOA or on your door that looks like this.

Construction Notice: Countryside

Construction Notice: Sheridan Green North

What to expect during paving- example handout


Crack Seal

2024 Crack Sealing Roster

Crack Sealing is utilized to seal the cracks to protect from water intrusion and other damaging factors.  This is one of the city’s most cost effective preventative maintenance strategies in reducing asphalt deterioration and prolonging pavement life.  Work begins in early October as temperatures cool down and will continue through the winter months until April/May. The work is completed during the cold temperatures to allow the cracks to be at their widest for better sealing. Residents on the effected streets will see "No Parking" signs placed 48 hours prior to work starting.


Hot Applied Chip Seal 

2024 Hot Applied Chip Seal Roster

Hot applied chip seal is a combination between a liquid asphalt emulsion and a thin layer of open graded friction course (rock). This process provides a durable surface and waterproof membrane that will improve the existing asphalt.


Slurry Seal 

2024 Slurry Seal Roster

Slurry seal is a thin restorative surface treatment that does not require milling and extends the useful life of asphalt by keeping air and water out and stopping oxidation. 




The City uses multiple different contractors to support our efforts in maintaining our streets. If you have any concerns about work happening near your home or place of business, please contact us at streets@westminsterco.gov

The Street Division utilizes both in-house crews and contractors to complete road improvement projects on the city’s 1,135 lane miles. Below describes the different types of street improvements we are working on this year:

Fresh soap and water will remove it; otherwise a citrus-based cleaner will work.  Do not use petroleum based cleaners.

“No Parking” signs will be placed on your street 24 hours in advance of the work.  Please remove vehicles from the street (Mon-Fri) during the hours of 7 a.m. to 6 p.m., to an adjacent street where there are no “No Parking” signs placed, until work is completed and all signs and cones are removed.

During the first year on hot summer days Slurry Seal will become soft because the pavement has not had a season to cure.  Please use caution especially if you live on or near a cul-de-sac.

Weather, especially rain can delay work, also unavoidable equipment problems.  The signs will remain in place until the work can begin and removed when the work is complete.

  • Typical work hours are 7 am to 7 pm
  • Advanced notice if your driveway is impacted by our work
  • Lane closures or lane shifts to accommodate work
  • Heavy machinery, loud noises, dust, and vibrations throughout the repaving process
  • Night time paving may be allowed in some locations depending on traffic impacts and noise variances
  • Tar and asphalt are very hot and sticky. Be careful when walking your pets around fresh pavement. Tar can stick to their fur and paws and is very painful. 

Frequently Asked Questions