How to Hire a Tree Care Company

The City of Westminster does not have a tree care company licensing program, but neighboring cities do (please note we do not endorse any companies on this list):

How to hire a tree care contractor:

  1. Get three or more detailed bids from different companies in writing.
  2. Check contractor’s credentials and ask for proof of insurance – ask if contractor employs International Society of Arboriculture (ISA) certified arborists and verify using this tool
  3. Never pre-pay contractors for tree work.


How to hire a Plant Health Care (PHC) contractor:

  1. Get at least three detailed bids from different companies in writing.
  2. Check contractor's credentials and ask for proof of insurance--make sure that companies and applicators are certified with the Colorado Department of Agriculture.
  3. Never pre-pay contractors for applications.


2024 ReLeaf Westy Tree Sale

Beautify your community while improving Westminster's tree diversity to promote healthy trees for the future! Trees are available for purchase through the Parks, Recreation and Libraries Department for $80-$90 plus tax. The City buys trees from the Colorado Tree Coalition and sells them to the community at cost. The purpose of this program is to encourage tree planting and tree diversity with trees that are affordable and small enough for a homeowner to handle.

**We have a limited amount of trees, and they can sell out quickly.**



Program Details:

  • Trees that have been purchased will be available for pick up on April 20th from 8 a.m. – noon at 10001 Alkire St.
  • Trees are 6-12 feet tall and 30-50 pounds
  • Limit of three trees per household
  • Trees must be purchased by Westminster residents and planted within city limits
  • Payment is non-refundable and no warranty is available
  • Trees can only be reserved when payment is received

2024 Trees Offered:

  • Large shade trees: Northern Catalpa, Hackberry, Bald-Cypress, Hardy Rubber Tree, Espresso Kentucky Coffeetree, Discovery Elm, Lacebark Elm, Bur Oak, Chinkapin Oak, Shumard Oak, State Street Miyabe's Maple
  • Small Ornamental Trees: Bigtooth Maple, Texas Red Oak, Osage Orange, Hot Wings Maple, Hedge Maple, Turkish Filbert, Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry, Amur Maackia, Ivory Silk Tree Lilac


Tree Sale ends April 15th 2024.


Purchase Trees

View photos and descriptions of trees

Tree Donations

Property owners often find that they have trees on their property that have outgrown their planting site or are simply in the way of new development. Frequently these trees are in excellent shape, and still have the potential for decades of new growth. The City of Westminster Forestry Section will consider these trees for donation to City Parks and other public properties if the property owner would rather not have the trees destroyed. Here are a few items that must be considered when a tree is evaluated for donation:

  • tree must be in good-to-excellent health to be successfully transplanted by hand or with a tree spade;
  • trunk of the tree (measured 12 inches above ground level) cannot exceed 12 inches in diameter;
  • tree must be accessible by appropriate machinery; and
  • underground utilities can prevent tree donations when they are found to be within the dig area.

If you would like to have your potential tree donation evaluated by the City Forester, please call 303-658-2287.