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The Latest Uplands Happenings


NEW- Quarterly Neighborhood Meetings

Thank you to everyone who attended the November 16 community update at Crown Pointe Academy. If you missed the meeting, you can find the presentation here. These meetings will happen every quarter and will be live streamed. Save these dates for the next four meetings:

  • February 22, 2024
  • May 23, 2024
  • August 22, 2024
  • November 21, 2024


For More Information, Visit:

Stay up to date with construction information HERE.

All About the Uplands Development Project

On Monday, December 20, 2021, the Westminster City Council voted to conditionally approve the Uplands Development to move forward. A second reading for Councilor's Bill No. 49 was approved on January 10, 2022, to provide approval of the proposed Rezoning. The Preliminary Development Plan (PDP) and the “Master” Official Development Plan (MODP) were accepted, subject to the additional conditions required for approval by City Council and agreed to by the Applicant.   

Current Status

Please open the following dropdown items to learn more about each subject.


Site Activity General Construction Notes 

With all the necessary documentation accepted by staff related to the Early Grading Permit, we anticipate construction activity associated with grading the site between Lowell Blvd. and Federal Blvd., 88th Ave. and 84th Ave., in preparation for the public improvements associated with the larger common development. 

  • Contractor shall not operate any construction vehicles nor perform any construction operations before 7am or after 6pm, Monday through Friday or before 8am or after 5pm on Saturdays. No work will be allowed on Sundays or Holidays. The City reserves the right to further restrict or modify these hours of operation if conditions warrant. – General Notes (30) 
  • At all times, the property shall be maintained and/or watered to prevent wind-caused erosion. Earthwork operations shall be discontinued when fugitive dust significantly impacts adjacent property. If earthwork is complete or discontinued and dust from the site continues to create problems, the owner/developer shall immediately institute mitigative measures and shall correct damage to adjacent property. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (5) 
  • The owner/developer shall provide any additional dust abatement and erosion control measures deemed necessary by the City, should conditions merit them. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (8) 
  • Approval of the grading plan does not apply to utility construction. Utility construction shall not begin until approval by the City Engineer. – Grading and Erosion Control Notes (7) 

Engineering Documents

Please click on the following dropdown items to learn more about the status of this project's engineering documents.

Additional Resources