Code Enforcement responds to various violations in your community and addresses private property violations only. Information regarding the most common ordinances enforced by Code Enforcement are listed near the bottom of this webpage. You can contact Code Enforcement at the number or email below with any questions or to report a violation.

City Ordinances and Appeals

The City's Property Standards Ordinance is available online. If you receive an administrative penalty citation for a violation of a section of the Property Standards Code you are required to get your property into compliance by the date noted on the citation and pay any assigned fine. The Westminster Municipal Code (WMC) allows for an appeal process to an administrative citation.

Please note: Effective February 14, 2023, The Community Development Department's Parking and Curbside Management staff will issue and administer all parking citations in the City of Westminster. For questions, concerns, or appeals for parking citations issued on or after February 14, 2023,  please follow the directions on the citation or contact us at or 303-658-2435. If you received a summons for a parking violation from the Westminster Police Department prior to February 14th, 2023 please follow the directions on the summons or contact the Westminster Municipal Court.

There are neighborhood problems that do not violate public law. For example, a neighbor’s tree overhangs your property, drops leaves in your yard or causes damage to your fence. A neighbor’s water drains onto your property. These conditions are private matters between the two property owners. The City has no jurisdiction in these civil matters.



Graffiti hotline 303-706-3333
In progress graffiti reporting 303-658-4360


Office (leave message) 303-658-4326
Request Officer Response (Dispatch) 303-658-4360
Fax   303-706-390

A number of the existing codes that Code Enforcement is responsible for enforcing are combined into one section. Minimum standards have been included to provide a consistent maintenance requirement. Properties will now be required to be maintained in good repair. Examples include exterior finishes free of defect, windows free from cracks and loose or broken glass, doors/windows shall be weather tight, watertight and rodent proof, and fencing shall be in good repair, in an upright position and the finish shall be free of defect. More specifics of this section can be referenced in section 8-1-8 of the Westminster Municipal Code. 

There is a limit on the number of trash containers that can be kept at a property (not to exceed 8) and a limit on when trash containers can be put out for pick up and when they must be returned to the proper location on the premises. This section also references the keeping of trash/junk/debris in or on a trailer or in a truck bed that is fully covered (not to exceed 14 days). In section 8-1-11 you will also find references to the unlawful keeping of junk or debris (defined in detail in this section) and the prohibiting of unlawful dumping.

Parking on private property
Vehicles must display current license plates, be operable (road worthy), and be parked on a paved or solidly rocked surface. Only one vehicle displayed for sale can be parked on private property. Only one vehicle associated with a business is allowed. Other specific regulations can be found in sections 8-1-12 and 10-1-12(C) of the Westminster Municipal Code.

It shall be unlawful for any person to allow snow or ice to remain on any sidewalk open to the public and abutting or adjoining the property controlled, owned or occupied by such person after twenty-four (24) hours after the last measurable snow fall or snow drift.

It shall also be unlawful to allow any obstruction to remain on any sidewalk, curb or gutter open to the public and abutting or adjoining the property controlled, owned or occupied by such person. Examples of such obstructions include but are not limited to piles of materials, vegetation, weeds, portable basketball hoops, structures or any physical object located within the width of the sidewalk, curb or gutter. Other specific details of this code can be found in section 8-1-10 of the Westminster Municipal Code.

It is unlawful for any person to permit any of the below specified violations to remain on their property. Specifics of these regulations can be referenced in section 8-1-13.

WEEDS: Shall be defined as any useless, troublesome or injurious plant, including all vegetation which has grown to maturity or to be a height in excess of twelve (12) inches, but shall not include flower gardens, shrubbery, vegetable gardens, small grain plots and pastures used for feed, fodder or forage, provided the same are adequately weeded and maintained. 
NOXIOUS PLANTS: Shall be defined as any plant species designated or identified as noxious weeds pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute (2006), Title 35, Article 5.5, as amended.
TURF: Shall be defined as a grouping of grasses that grow in very close proximity to form a living surface at the ground plane. Turf is generally an area of the ground plane intended to be/or could be walked on and when regularly mowed, forms a dense growth of leaf blades and root. Turf shall not exceed six (6) inches in height.
Per section 8-1-7, “garage sale” is defined as any type of sales activity including but not limited to; neighborhood or block sales, yard sales, estate sales, craft sales, rummage sales or clothing sales. Each “sale” cannot exceed 3 consecutive days and no more than one “sale” in any 90 day period is allowed.
Any sign, except government and school signs, is prohibited in the right of way (ROW). Any sign found in the ROW in violation of 11-11-1 can be removed and destroyed without notice. Provisions of this code also include any political sign.

How to protect your business/private property and discourage trespassing from individuals experiencing homelessness


  • Avoid confrontation and maintain a safe distance. 
  • Do not offer food or money, as it may encourage more panhandling. If you are inclined to help, it is better to contribute to local charities, missions, food banks or social service organizations.
  • Do not permit anyone to camp or loiter on your property.
  • Do not allow anyone to store shopping carts, bedding or other personal belongings on your property.
  • Where allowable, restrict access to sidewalk overhangs, alcoves, or other areas protected from inclement weather that may be attractive for camping or loitering.
  • Lock or remove handles from water spigots.
  • Keep all trash in dumpsters within dumpster enclosures. Keep the dumpsters and enclosures locked when not being filled or emptied.
  • Secure outside storage sheds or containers.
  • Lock or turn off exterior power outlets.
  • Lock gates after hours.
  • Install motion-activated exterior lighting after hours.  The Planning Division can advise and assist on potentially permanent lighting adjustments.
  • Properly trim landscaping to eliminate hiding places and provide site visibility. As appropriate by species, prune and maintain trees and shrubs to provide an aesthetically attractive and well-kept appearance.
  • Keep property free of trash, litter, junk, etc.
  • Use graffiti-resistant paint or anti-graffiti coatings on the sides of the building and any other design features that could be vandalized.  Report graffiti and other vandalism and clean up promptly after the officers have taken pictures.
  • Enhance landscaping on the property to keep vandals away from areas that might be vandalized. The Planning Division can advise and assist on potentially permanent site re-design efforts.
  • Design amenities to discourage misuse. For example, shape benches and other seating to be comfortable for sitting but not for sleeping. The Planning Division can assist with ideas.
  • Install security cameras to cover public areas.
  • Private property/business owners with concerns about persons experiencing homelessness on their property should contact the Westminster Police Department, non-emergency Dispatch at phone 303-658-4360.
  • Establish, post, and enforce rules of conduct for public use of private property. Include nighttime curfews and prohibitions of loitering, illegal lodging, drinking alcoholic beverages and drug activities. Make it clear that persons engaged in prohibited conduct will be asked to leave the property and that failure to cease the behavior or leave the property will result in a call to law enforcement.
If an individual other than the business/property owner has a concern about persons experiencing homelessness or a camp on private property, they should contact Code Enforcement at 303-658-4432 or