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Neighborhood Sustainability Services Program

Improve your neighborhood’s communal spaces and building community, sustainably!

The City of Westminster invites neighborhoods (HOAs, organized neighborhoods, or manufactured home communities) to participate in a new program that streamlines access to cost, time, and natural resource saving opportunities provided by the City and our partners.

Program Overview:

The “Neighborhood Sustainability Services Program” works with your neighborhood to identify high-impact sustainability opportunities for your communal areas. As a participant, your experience will follow the three steps below: 

1. Fill out an application form and choose which topics your neighborhood is interested in

Topics include: 

  • Solar_850-×-450-px-820-436-c-C-100638236539970157623Energy 
  • Water
  • Landscaping
  • Waste
  • Community social connection and education
  • Transportation 
  • And more!

2. Get connected with your resources:

The City connects you with each topics' associated services and programs. Then your neighborhood works together on those services and programs. The City provides continued assistance. 

3. Receive financial assistance:

The City may provide a financial grant to your neighborhood (up to $2,000) to cover related service and/or program expenses. Additional funding may be available through other City and partner programs. 

Interested? See details on how to apply below:

How to Apply:

Review and fill out the application form below. Upon selection, you’ll meet with City staff from the Sustainability Office to review your application and determine your neighborhood priorities. From there, City staff will connect you with your desired services and programs.

Apply Here! 

Program Timeline: Applications are due Friday, September 29, 2023, at 11:59 MST. After applications are received, you can expect a meeting request from the Sustainability Office in early September 2023, to review your application and to begin connecting you with your services and programs. 

Program Requirements: As a participant and neighborhood leader, you are requested to provide information (via email, door-hanger, or fliers) to the individual residents in your neighborhood about a sibling program. This sibling program connects residents to information, services, and programs specific to their individual home. How you fulfill this requirement will be determined through conversations with the Sustainability Office.

The City has capacity to work with 4 neighborhoods in 2023, so apply early! If we’re unable to accommodate your application this year, you'll be placed on a waiting list for future program openings.  

Curious how your neighborhood could benefit? 

Here’s a taste of projects your neighborhood could accomplish through this program: 

  • Get an irrigation assessment and increase the efficiency of your sprinkler system

  • Transition lawn areas to xeriscape and beautiful native landscaping

  • Receive assistance planning a neighborhood block party or community BBQ

  • Host a communal pick-up of hard-to-recycle or specialty waste materials

  • Install solar-powered lighting bollards at your club house

  • Sign-up your neighborhood for "EcoPass", RTD's unlimted ride pass card

The Sustainability Office is excited to work with you on projects that best fit your neighborhood and residents needs. The possibilities of projects are endless!

Questions or Comments?

Please direct questions, concerns, or comments to the Sustainability Office at Sustainability@westminsterco.gov or 303-658-2662.